Language Learning in Light of Technology-based Extramural English: A Narrative Inquiry

Document Type : Research article


1 Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 PhD Student of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


Over the past decades, technological advances have opened up language learning and teaching opportunities and integrated theory, practice, and research in education. Therefore, researchers have begun exploring whether Extramural English activities afforded through technology are linked with improving EFL learners’ language learning. This qualitative study is intended to track the trajectory of two highly proficient EFL learners’ experiences with language learning through technology-based Extramural English (EE). In so doing, it sought to gain insights into technology roles in mediating learners’ ability to achieve high proficiency levels in English language. To this end, the study used narrative inquiry as the main approach, drawing upon different sources, including interviews, diaries, and WhatsApp texting, to collect the desired data. In this study, the EFL learners revealed how technology could provide EFL students with an excellent opportunity to develop their oral language abilities, particularly speaking and listening. Additionally, they demonstrated that technology has great potentials and advantages for enhancing EFL learners’ vocabulary and grammar. An analysis of the narratives also revealed that technology could positively affect their affection and psychological state, such as boosting their self-confidence and inspiring them to pursue language learning with greater motivation. This study would make it possible to identify resources and a range of affordances offered by technological tools, including learners' capacity to benefit from extramural English activities, and extending learning outside of the classroom, which, in turn, can provide insights into language learning occurring in educational contexts.


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