The Effect of Shadowing Technique on Elementary and Intermediate EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension

Document Type : Research article


English Department, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran


Listening is important in daily life and academic contexts as it is crucial to sustain effective communication. Shadowing is one of the techniques that might improve listening comprehension. Therefore, this study aimed to find the effect of the shadowing technique on the listening comprehension of elementary and intermediate EFL learners. The participants included 96 EFL learners who were selected through convenience sampling and were divided into three groups, namely pre-shadowing, post-shadowing, and control group for each proficiency level. Following the shadowing technique procedures, eight lessons were taught using the Tactics for Listening Book Series. The data were collected by pre- and post-tests of listening comprehension and were analyzed using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The findings of the study indicated that post-shadowing activities were the most useful and practical ones for both proficiency levels. Therefore, teachers and material developers are recommended to include shadowing activities in classroom practices and teaching materials.


Main Subjects