Developing a Critical Multimodal Analysis Framework for Detecting Neoliberal Ideologies in the Cyberspace

Document Type : Research article


Department of Translation Studies, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Jahrom University,Jahrom, Iran


Although different studies have confirmed the benefits of multiliteracies and multimodal pedagogy, how to implement this pedagogy in the actual context of the classroom is still a controversial issue. Using an ethnography research design, this study was intended to develop a framework for the implementation of critical multimodal pedagogy. Using Du Gay et al.'s (1997) model of "cultural circuit" and Kress and van Leeuwen's (1996, 2001) social semiotics, the transformed texts, produced by 26 Iranian EFL undergraduate students, were analyzed and a model of resources used by the students to critically interpret multimodal texts containing neoliberal ideologies was developed. Based on the model, a framework for critical multimodal analysis was proposed which suggests that all the resources in the model should be inserted into the classroom context; however, local adaptation consisting of pruning and training should be observed by teachers and institutions before and during the insertion of the resources.


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