A Qualitative Study on Teacher’s Nonverbal Communication and Iranian EFL Learners’ Perception of Language Learning

Document Type : Research article


1 MA , Universitiy of Alzahra

2 Assosiate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Alzahra University


One of the significant aspects of the communication is its nonverbal aspect. In this study there was an attempt to explore this aspect of language teaching qualitatively from the learners’ point of view through observation and interview in Iranian context. It was revealed that four main categories of nonverbal communication(NVC) including: hand gesture, eye-contact, facial expression and tone of voice are used from the most frequently used to the least used respectively. Moreover, it was found that a teacher’s use of nonverbal communication can help learners to get more benefit from the learning context. Also, the findings indicate how utilizing NVC may contribute to different aspects (vocabulary, grammar, and pronuciation) of language learning. According to the students’ comments, six main themes as different roles of the teacher were found including: Teacher as a composer, Teacher as a constructor, Teacher as a mirror, Teacher as a conductor, Teacher as a mentor, and Teacher as a vocalist.
Keywords: non-verbal, communication, lanugage learning, qualitative study, perception.


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