To the esteemed authors of the article, the Journal of Language Horizons is required on 2014/07/15 (after receiving the e-mail of the journal stating that the article can be judged), for the arbitration fee of 150000 Tomans to the account 4001071203008752 File the article and click on the code of the referenced article to pay online. Obviously, delays in payment will first lead to delays in submitting to the judges and in the next step will remove the article from the judging cycle.
To inform the esteemed authors of the article of the Journal of Language Horizons, the date of 2014/07/15 is necessary (after receiving the journal's email stating that the article can be printed), for the cost of electronic printing amounting to 150,000 Tomans to the account 4001071203008752 Submit to the article file and click on the article article code to pay online. Obviously, delays in payment will delay the acceptance of the article.