This study investigated the effect of face-to-face and computer-mediated peer feedback on L2 introverted and extroverted learners’ writing ability and language-related episodes. Eighty-six L2 intermediate English language learners were randomly assigned to two different treatment groups: computer-mediated and face-to-face peer feedback. In computer-mediated classes, the participants exchanged peer feedback and discussed comments using Google Docs platform. Meanwhile, in the face-to-face group, the participants exchanged comments on paper; they also gathered once a week to discuss comments face-to-face. The results revealed that the introverts in the computer-mediated group improved more significantly than the introverts in the face-to-face group. However, the extroverts of both face-to-face and computer-mediated groups improved equally. The findings also indicated that both introverts and extroverts in the computer-mediated group produced more language-related episodes than their counterparts in face-to-face group. Further, the pairing patterns of introverted and extroverted learners were found to have effects on the number of language-related episodes generated by them.
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Mohammad Hamed Hoomanfard; Mohammad Rahimi. "Effect of Computer-Mediated vs. Face-to-Face Peer Feedback on L2 Introverted vs. Extroverted Learners’ Writing Ability and Language-Related Episodes", Journal of Language Horizons, 5, 2, 2021, 51-73. doi: 10.22051/lghor.2020.32628.1353
Hoomanfard, M. H., Rahimi, M. (2021). 'Effect of Computer-Mediated vs. Face-to-Face Peer Feedback on L2 Introverted vs. Extroverted Learners’ Writing Ability and Language-Related Episodes', Journal of Language Horizons, 5(2), pp. 51-73. doi: 10.22051/lghor.2020.32628.1353
Hoomanfard, M. H., Rahimi, M. Effect of Computer-Mediated vs. Face-to-Face Peer Feedback on L2 Introverted vs. Extroverted Learners’ Writing Ability and Language-Related Episodes. Journal of Language Horizons, 2021; 5(2): 51-73. doi: 10.22051/lghor.2020.32628.1353