Perceptions of EFL Teachers about Pedagogical Content knowledge: A Q Study

Document Type : Research article


1 PhD graduate, English Department, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran

2 Professor, English Department, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Management Department, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran


Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), as a concept representing teacher professionalism and expertise, has received considerable attention since 1980. However, it remains understudied in the field of English language teaching (ELT). In this paper, the Q methodology was used to investigate the shared perceptions of EFL teachers about PCK. This study explored EFL teachers' priorities regarding PCK components. Fourteen EFL teachers participated in the Q study. Forty six statements were finally selected as the Q sample. Factor analysis revealed that participants grouped into 3 factors, expressing 3 distinct viewpoints of PCK components: student-focused, pedagogy-focused, and proficiency-focused components. The findings indicated that teachers placed greater priority on the subject matter, student, and lesson plan components. The results shed light on what teachers choose to focus on and what not to emphasize in their teaching. One practical implication of the findings is that educators and teacher education programmes must pay more attention to the student-focused aspect of teaching.


Main Subjects

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