Document Type : Research article


1 Department of English Language Teaching, Islamic Azad University (East Tehran Branch), Tehran, Iran

2 Department of English Language Teaching, Islamic Azad University (East Tehran Branch), Tehran, Iran.


Motivational development can no longer be considered as the stable phenomenon as it was considered in the past. It is now an element of individual difference which is constantly influenced by contextual factors. This study applied a dynamic system perspective and drew upon Dörnyei’s (2005) L2 Motivational Self-System to examine both male and female Iranian EFL learners’ motivational and behavioral variability over time with different levels of proficiency. To this end, 590 beginner to upper intermediate male and female students completed the Motivational Factors Questionnaire at one-month intervals during the semester. The results indicated that the students’ motivation could possibly be explored under dynamic systems’ principles. The findings demonstrated how students’ motivation changed over time and how it could be predicted in a moderately stable manner. The outcomes also showed that students’ motivational and behavioral developments were mediated by their proficiency levels and gender. Implications and directions for further research were also stated.


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