Document Type : Research article


1 Translation Department, Damghan University, Damghan, Iran

2 Translation Department, Damghan University, Damghan, Iran.


In recent years, uncertainty has become a central topic in translation studies, reflecting the increasing significance of this issue in various fields, such as politics, economics, and medicine. However, there is a problem with the application of theories of uncertainty in translation studies as often only a single theory is used to provoke an argument without considering how the plurality of theories could provide a more nuanced understanding. This paper argues for the value of synthesizing these seemingly disparate theories of uncertainty into a rich account that can be used as a model for scholarly analyses and research in translation methods and systems. Through an examination of continuum-based models, which are models suggesting that translation is not a strict binary process but rather a continuum of possibilities, this study illustrates how this approach can offer insights that would not be accessible through a single theory. By providing specific examples mainly from the fields of literary and audiovisual translations, this paper demonstrates how a pluralistic approach to the uncertainty paradigm can further strengthen arguments against continuum-based models, and how it can lead to a better understanding of the translation process.


Main Subjects

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